![[Photo: Solidago canadensis.]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhfi6MlPQ0BYBWLkZAPH6po4CqYfZYCe7oTplCzM9GAz2R0Csa3TIDIHpIFB2Rws5P80HK7GaGgwQnIT6QmJtOsEsBIBjLF0fKa1NMdAwbJcpJQOXSPnbOTkx7hPDVTfNgdWhqiUeu9VYA/s400/Solidago.jpg)
Above: Solidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod).
(Updated November 29, 2009).
It's exciting to see how many possibilities for native plant garderners there are in Toronto (something you'd never guess from the average Toronto plant seller, unfortunately.) I've put a link to the relevant entries in this blog where available. I have tried to be as accurate as possible but I'm no expert so any corrections to this list would be appreciated!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Sabatia angularis (square-stemmed rose-pink). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sagina procumbens (bird's-eye pearlwort). Banville, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sagittaria cristata (crested arrowhead). CC rare (as S. graminea var. cristata), PLANTS.
- Sagittaria cuneata (arum-leaf arrowhead), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Sagittaria graminea (grass-leaved arrowhead, grassy arrowhead). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sagittaria graminea var. cristata: see S. cristata.
- Sagittaria latifolia (broad-leaved arrowhead), common. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sagittaria rigida (sessile-fruit arrowhead). PLANTS.
- Salix amygdaloides (peach-leaf willow), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Salix bebbiana (Bebb's willow), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Salix candida (hoary willow, sageleaf willow). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Salix cordata (heartleaf willow). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix discolor (pussy willow), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Salix eriocephala (Missouri river willow), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Salix humilis (prairie willow). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix humilis var. humilis (prairie willow). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix humilis var. tristis (dwarf prairie willow), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Salix interior (sandbar willow), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Salix lucida (shining willow), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Salix lucida ssp. lucida (shining willow). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix myricoides var. myricoides (blue-leaf willow, bayberry willow). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix nigra (black willow), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Salix pedicellaris (bog willow), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix petiolaris (meadow willow). Banville, PLANTS.
- Salix pyrifolia (balsam willow). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix rigida: see S. eriocephala.
- Salix serissima (autumn willow), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Salix tristis: see S. humilis var. tristis.
- Sambucus canadensis: see S. nigra ssp. canadensis.
- Sambucus nigra (black elderbery). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis (common elderberry, American black elderberry). NANPS (as S. canadensis), PLANTS. More info: Chester (as S. canadensis), DG.
- Sambucus pubens: see S. racemosa var. racemosa.
- Sambucus racemosa (red elderberry). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: Chester, DG.
- Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa (red elderberry). NANPS (as S. pubens), PLANTS.
- Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sanguisorba annua (prairie burnet). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sanicula canadensis (Canadian black snakeroot). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis (Canadian black snakeroot). PLANTS.
- Sanicula canadensis var. grandis (long-styled Canadian snakeroot, Canadian black snakeroot). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Sanicula marilandica (black snakeroot, Maryland sanicle). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sanicula odorata (clustered black snakeroot). PLANTS.
- Sanicula trifoliata (largefruit black snakeroot). P&M, PLANTS.
- Sarracenia purpurea (purple pitcher-plant). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sassafras albidum (sassafras), rare. Me (High Park), Banville, CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Saururus cernuus (lizard's-tail). CC rare, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Saxifraga aizoides (yellow mountain saxifrage). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Saxifraga paniculata (White Mountain saxifrage). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Saxifraga pensylvanica (eastern swamp saxifrage). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Saxifraga virginiensis (early saxifrage), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS.
- Scheuchzeria palustris (rannoch-rush). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schizachne purpurascens (false melic grass), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schizachyrium littorale (shore little bluestem, dune little bluestem). CC rare (as S. scoparium ssp. littorale), PLANTS.
- Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem). CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Schizachyrium scoparium ssp. littorale: see S. littorale.
- Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium (little bluestem), uncommon. Banville (as Andropogon scoparius), LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus acutus (hardstem bullrush). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus (hardstem bullrush), uncommon. Banville (as Scirpus acutus), NANPS (as Scirpus acutus), PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus americanus (wood clubrush), rare. Banville (as Scirpus americanus), LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus fluviatilus (river bullrush), rare. Banville (as Scirpus fluviatilis), NANPS (as Scirpus fluviatilis), PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (slender bullrush). PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus maritimus (cosmopolitan bullrush). PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus x oblongus (oblong bullrush). PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus pungens (common threesquare). PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens (common threesquare). NANPS (as Scirpus pungens), PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus purshianus (weakstalk bullrush). PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus smithii (Smith's club-rush, Smith's bullrush). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus subterminalis (swaying bullrush). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (softstem bullrush), common. Banville (as Scirpus validus), NANPS (as Scirpus validens), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Schoenoplectus torreyi (Torrey's bullrush). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Scirpus acutus: see Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus.
- Scirpus americanus: see Schoenoplectus americanus.
- Scirpus atrocinctus (blackgirdle bullrush). PLANTS.
- Scirpus atrovirens (green/black bullrush), uncommon. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Scirpus cyperinus (wool-grass bullrush), rare. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Scirpus expansus (woodland bullrush). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Scirpus fluviatilis: see Schoenoplectus fluviatilis.
- Scirpus microcarpus (panicled bullrush), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Scirpus pedicellatus (stalked bullrush). PLANTS.
- Scirpus pendulus (rufous bullrush). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Scirpus pungens: see Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens.
- Scirpus rubrotinctus: see S. microcarpus.
- Scirpus validens: see Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani.
- Scirpus validus: see Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani.
- Scirpus verecundus: see Trichophorum planifolium.
- Scleria pauciflora (fewflower nut-rush). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Scleria trigolmerata (whip nut-rush). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Scleria verticillata (low nut-rush), rare. Banville, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Scrophularia lanceolata (lanceleaf figwort). P&M, PLANTS.
- Scrophularia marilandica (carpenters' square). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Scutellaria epilobiifolia: see S. galericulata.
- Scutellaria galericulata (marsh skullcap). P&M (as S. epilobiifolia), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Scutellaria lateriflora (mad-dog skullcap, blue skullcap). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Scutellaria nervosa (veined skullcap). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS.
- Scutellaria parvula (smaller skullcap). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Scutellaria parvula var. leonardii: see S. parvula var. missouriensis.
- Scutellaria parvula var. missouriensis (Leonard's skullcap, shale-barren skullcap). CC rare (as S. parvula var leonardii), PLANTS.
- Senecio aureus: see Packera aurea.
- Senecio eremophilus (desert ragwort). PLANTS.
- Senecio obovatus: see Packera obovata.
- Senecio pauperculus: see Packera paupercula.
- Senecio plattensis: see Packera plattensis.
- Senna hebecarpa (American senna). CCC (as Cassia hebecarpa), CC rare (as Cassia hebecarpa), P&M (as Cassia hebecarpa), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Shepherdia canadensis (russet buffaloberry). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (shrubby fivefingers). P&M (as Potentilla tridentata), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sicyos angulatus (oneseed bur cucumber). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sida hermaphrodita (Virginia mallow, Virginia fanpetals). CC rare, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Silene antirrhina (sleepy catchfly), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Silene virginica (fire pink). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Silphium lacinatum (compass plant). CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Silphium perfoliatum (cup plant). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, P&M. More info: DG.
- Silphium terebinthinaceum (prairie dock). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sisyrinchium albidum (white blue-eyed grass). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sisyrinchum angustifolium (narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sisyrinchum montanum (strict blue-eyed grass), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Sium suave (water-parsnip). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS.
- Smilacina racemosa: see Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosum.
- Smilacina stellata: see Maianthemum stellatum.
- Smilacina trifolia: see Maianthemum trifolium.
- Smilax ecirrata (upright greenbrier, upright carrionflower). CC rare, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Smilax herbacea (smooth carrion flower), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Smilax hispida: see S. tamnoides.
- Smilax illinoensis (Illinois greenbrier). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Smilax rotundifolia (roundleaf greenbrier). CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Smilax tamnoides (bristly greenbrier), rare. Banville (as S. hispida), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solanum ptycanthum (eastern black nightshade). PLANTS.
- Solidago altissima (tall goldenrod, Canada goldenrod). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Solidago arguta (sharp-leaved goldenrod, Atlantic goldenrod). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS.
- Solidago bicolor (silverrod, white goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS.
- Solidago caesia (blue-stemmed goldenrod, wreath goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Solidago canadensis var. canadensis (Canada goldenrod). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Solidago flexicaulis (zigzag goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago gigantica (giant goldenrod). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago graminifolia: see Euthamia graminifolia var. graminifolia.
- Solidago hispida (hairy goldenrod). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago hispida var. hispida (hairy goldenrod). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Solidago hispida var. huronensis (Lake Huron hairy goldenrod). CC rare.
- Solidago juncea (early goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago macrophylla (large-leaf goldenrod). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Solidago nemoralis (grey goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Solidago patula (rough-leaved goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS.
- Solidago ptarmicoides: see Oligoneuron album.
- Solidago puberula (downy goldenrod). PLANTS.
- Solidago rugosa (rough-stemmed goldenrod). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Solidago sempervirens (seaside goldenrod). CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago simplex (Mt. Albert goldenrod). PLANTS.
- Solidago speciosa (showy goldenrod). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago squarrosa (stout goldenrod). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Solidago uliginosa (bog goldenrod). NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Solidago ulmifolia (elmleaf goldenrod). PLANTS.
- Sorbus americana (American mountain ash). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sorbus decora (northern mountain ash). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Sparganium americanum (bur-reed). P&M, PLANTS.
- Sparganium androcladum (branching bur-reed). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Sparganium angustifolium (narrowleaf bur-read). PLANTS.
- Sparganium chlorocarpum: see S. emersum.
- Sparganium emersum (European bur-reed), rare. Banville (as S. chlorocarpum), PLANTS.
- Sparganium eurycarpum (giant bur-reed), rare. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sparganium natans (small bur-reed). PLANTS.
- Spartina patens (saltmeadow cordgrass). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spartina pectinata (prairie cordgrass), rare. Banville, CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Specularia perfiolata: see Triodanis perfoliata.
- Spergularia canadensis (Canadian sandspurry). PLANTS.
- Spergularia marina: see S. salina.
- Spergularia salina (salt sandspurry, sea-spurry). CC rare (as S. marina), PLANTS.
- Sphenopholis intermedia (slender wedgescale), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Sphenopholis nitida (shiny wedge grass, shiny wedgescale). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Sphenopholis obtusata (prairie wedgegrass, prairie wedgescale). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Spiraea alba (narrowleaf meadowsweet, white meadowsweet), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spiraea alba var. latifolia (white meadowsweet). P&M (as S. latifolia), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spiraea latifolia: see S. alba var. latifolia.
- Spiraea tomentosa (steeplebush). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spiranthes casei (Case's lady's tresses). PLANTS.
- Spiranthes cernua (nodding lady's tresses), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spiranthes gracilis: see S. lacera var. gracilis.
- Spiranthes lacera (northern slender lady's tresses). CCC, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis (northern slender lady's tresses, southern slender lady's tresses). CC rare, LBJ, P&M (as S. gracilis), PLANTS.
- Spiranthes lucida (wide-leaved lady's tresses, shining lady's tresses), rare. Banville, P&M, PLANTS.
- Spiranthes magnicamporum (Great Plains lady's tresses). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Spiranthes ochroleuca (yellow nodding lady's tresses). CCC, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Spiranthes ovalis (lesser lady's tresses, October lady's tresses). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Spiranthes romanzoffiana (hooded lady's tresses), rare. Banville, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Spirodela polyrrhiza (greater duckweed), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Sporobolus cryptandrus (sand dropseed), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Sporobolus heterolepsis (northern dropseed). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Sporobolus neglectus (puffsheath dropseed), uncommon. Banville, PLANTS.
- Sporobolus vaginiflorus (poverty dropseed). PLANTS.
- Stachys pilosa (hairy hedgenettle). PLANTS.
- Stachys tenuifolia (smooth hedgenettle). P&M (as S. tenuifolia var. hispida), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Stachys tenuifolia var. hispida: see S. tenuifolia.
- Staphylea trifolia (American bladdernut). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Stellaria borealis (boreal starwort). PLANTS.
- Stellaria longifolia (long-leaved chickweed, longleaf starwort), rare. Banville, P&M, PLANTS.
- Stellaria longipes (longstalk starwort). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Stipa spartea: see Hesperostipa spartea.
- Streptopus amplixifolius (claspleaf twisted stalk). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Streptopus lanceolatus (twisted stalk). PLANTS.
- Streptopus lanceolatus var. roseus (rose twisted-stalk), uncommon. Banville (as S. roseus), P&M (as S. roseus), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Streptopus roseus: see S. lanceolatus var. roseus.
- Strophostyles helvola (trailing wild bean, amberique-bean). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Stuckenia filiformis (fineleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Stuckenia pectinata (sago pondweed), rare. Banville (as Potamogeton pectinatus), LBJ, PLANTS.
- Stylophorum diphyllum (wood poppy, Celandine poppy). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Suaeda calceoliformis (sea-blite, Pursh seepweed). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowberry). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum x amethystinum (amethyst aster). PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum boreale (rush aster, northern bog aster). LBJ, P&M (as Aster junciformis), PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum ciliatum (rayless alkali aster). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum ciliolatum (Lindley's aster). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum cordifoium (heart-leaved aster, common blue wood aster). LBJ, NANPS, P&M (as Aster cardifolius), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum dumosum (bushy aster, rice button aster). CC rare, LBJ, P&M (as Aster dumosus), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum dumosum var. dumosum (bushy aster, rice button aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum ericoides (white heath aster). LBJ, NANPS (as Aster ericoides), P&M (as Aster ericoides), PLANTS, PtS (as A. ericoides). More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoides (white heath aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum laeve (smooth blue aster). LBJ, NANPS (as Aster laevis), P&M (as A. laevis), PLANTS, PtS (as A. laevis). More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve (smooth blue aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (calico aster). LBJ, P&M (as Aster lateriflorus), PLANTS, PtS (as A. lateriflorus). More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorum (calico aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. tenuipes (calico aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (New England aster). LBJ, NANPS, P&M (as Aster novae-angliae), PLANTS, PtS (as A. novae-angliae). More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum ontarionis (bottomland aster). P&M (as Aster tradescanti), PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum oolentangiense (azure aster, sky-blue aster). LBJ, NANPS (as Aster oolentangiensis), P&M (as A. azureus), PLANTS, PtS (as A. oolentangiensis). More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum oolentangiense var. oolentangiense (azure aster, sky-blue aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum pilosum (hairy white oldfield aster). PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum (frost aster). LBJ, NANPS (as Aster pilosus), PLANTS, PtS (as A. pilosus).
- Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei (Pringle's aster). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum praealtum (willowleaf aster). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum praealtum var. praealtum (willow aster). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M (as Aster praealtus), PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum prenanthoides (crooked-stemmed aster). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M (as Aster prenanthoides), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum puniceum (purple-stemmed aster). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS (as A. puniceus). More info: DG.
- Symphyotrichum puniceum var. puniceum (purple-stemmed aster). LBJ, P&M (as Aster puniceus), PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum sericeum (silky aster, western silver aster). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum shortii (Short's aster). CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum subulatum (annual salt-marsh aster). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum undulatum (wavy-leaved aster). LBJ, P&M (as Aster undulatus), PLANTS.
- Symphyotrichum urophyllum (white arrowleaf aster). LBJ, NANPS, P&M (as Aster sagittifolius), PLANTS, PtS (as A. urophyllus).
- Symplocarpus foetidus (skunk cabbage), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Me: I've seen it myself, in the wild in Toronto.
- Banville: Banville, Diana. Vascular Plants of Metropolitan Toronto 2nd ed. Toronto: Toronto Field Naturalists, 1994. (Available by mail order from TFN.)
- CCC: Carolinian Canada Coalition's list of Representative Carolinian Species.
- CC rare: Carolinian Canada Coalitions's list of Carolinian Zone Rare Species
- CC SAR: Carolinian Canada Coalition's list Carolinian Species at Risk
- LBJ: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
- NANPS: North American Native Plant Society
- P&M: Peterson, Roger Tory and Margaret McKenny. A field guide to wildflowers: Northeastern and northcentral North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968.
- PLANTS: United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database
- PtS: Planting the Seed (PDF): A Guide to Establishing Prairie and Meadow Communities in Southern Ontario
- Chester: Bronwyn Chester at Spacing Montréal
- DG: Dave's Garden
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