![[Photo: Cypripedium reginae.]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJKTzfNyyokbKuqzBK9kwIFS31LhCLyppEHE08Un51Z9ZAum3rOF9pIsAT0HjdXVZtoqCmthZ_JC_k4pQ9qmcO4_shGajlaWqqeAQrf6b62S3WbIOl3HcWsJa3kEigrhHXMGLX9E_uL1c/s400/Cypripedium+reginae+7.jpg)
Above: Cypripedium reginae (showy lady's slipper).
(Updated November 29, 2009).
It's exciting to see how many possibilities for native plant garderners there are in Toronto (something you'd never guess from the average Toronto plant seller, unfortunately.) I've put a link to the relevant entries in this blog where available. I have tried to be as accurate as possible but I'm no expert so any corrections to this list would be appreciated!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Cacalia tuberosa: see Arnoglossum plantagineum.
- Cakile edentula (American sea-rocket), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Calamagrostis canadensis (bluejoint), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Calamagrostis stricta (slimstem reedgrass). PLANTS.
- Calamovilfa longifolia var. magna (sand reed grass). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Calla palustris (wild calla), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Calopogon tuberosus (tuberous grasspink). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Calopogon tuberosus var. tuberosus (tuberous grasspink). P&M (as Calopogon pulchellus), PLANTS.
- Caltha palustris (yellow marsh marigold), uncommon. Banville, Me (East York, Wilket Creek Park), LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG, Leckie.
- Caltha palustris var. palustris (marsh marigold). LBJ.
- Calypso bulbosa (fairy-slipper). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Calypso bulbosa var. americana (fairy slipper). PLANTS.
- Calystegia sepia (hedge bindweed). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Calystegia spithamaea (upright bindweed). NANPS, PLANTS.
- Camassia scilloides (wild hyacinth). CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Campanula aparinoides (bedstraw bellflower). P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Campanula rotundifolia (harebell). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Campanulastrum americanum (American bellflower). P&M (as Campanula americana), NANPS (as Campanula americana), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Campsis radicans (trumpet creeper). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cardamine bulbosa (spring cress), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Cardamine concatenata (cutleaf toothwort), common. Banville (as Dentaria lacinata), LBJ, NANPS (as D. lacinata), P&M (as D. lacinata), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cardamine diphylla (crinkleroot), common. Banville (as Dentaria diphylla), LBJ, P&M (as D. diphylla), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cardamine douglassii (purple cress), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Cardamine maxima (large toothwort), uncommon. Banville (as Dentaria maxima), P&M (as D. maxima), PLANTS.
- Cardamine parviflora (sand bittercress). PLANTS.
- Cardamine pensylvanica (Pennsylvania bittercress), rare. Banville, P&M, PLANTS.
- Cardamine pratensis (cuckoo-flower). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cardamine pratensis var. anguistifolia (meadow bittercress). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex aggregata (glomerate sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex alata (broad-winged sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex albicans (white-tinge sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex albicans var. albicans (sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex albicans var. emmonsii (Emmons' sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex albursina (white bear sedge), rare. Banville (as C. laxiflora var. latifolia), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex alopecoidea (foxtail sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex amphibola (narrowleaf sedge). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex annectens (yellow-fruited sedge). CC rare (as Carex annectens var. xanthocarpa), NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex appalachica (Appalachian sedge). CC rare, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex aquatilis (leafy tussock sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex arcta (northern cluster sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex arctata (drooping woodland sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex argyrantha (hay sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex atheroides (wheat sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex atlantica (prickly bog sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex atlantica ssp. capillacea (prickly bog sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex atratriformis (scabrous black sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex aurea (golden sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex backii (Back's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex bebbii (Bebb's sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Carex bicknellii (Bicknell's sedge). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex bigelowii (Bigelow's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex blanda (eastern woodland sedge), uncommon. Banville (as C. laxiflora var. blanda), LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex brevior (fescue sedge). NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex bromoides (brome-like sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex brunnescens (brownish sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex buxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge). Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex canescens (silvery sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex capillaris (hair-like sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex careyana (Carey's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex castenea (chestnut sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex cephaloidea (thin-leaf sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex cephalophora (oval-leaved sedge), rare. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex chordorrhiza (creeping sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex communis (fibrousroot sedge), uncommon. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex comosa (longhair sedge). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Carex conoidea (field sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex convoluta: see C. rosea.
- Carex crawei (Crawe's sedge). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex crawfordii (Crawford's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex crinita (fringed sedge). Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Carex cristatella (crested sedge), common. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex crus-corvi (crow-spur sedge). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex cryptolepis (northeastern sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex cumulata (clustered sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex davisii (Davis' sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex debilis (white edge sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex deflexa (northern sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex deweyana (Dewey sedge), uncommon. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex diandra (lesser pannicled sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex digitalis (slender woodland sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex disperma (softleaf sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex eburnea (bristleleaf sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex echinata (star sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex emoryi (Emory's sedge). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex exilis (coastal sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex festucacea (fescue sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex flava (yellow sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex folliculata (northern long sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex formosa (handsome sedge). Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex frankii (Frank's sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex garberi (elk sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex glaucodea (blue sedge, flaccid sedge). CCC, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex gracilescens (slender looseflower sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex gracillima (graceful sedge), uncommon. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex granularis (limestone meadow sedge), common?. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex gravida (heavy sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex grayi (Gray's sedge). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex grisea (inflated narrow-leaf sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex gynandra (nodding sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex gynocrates (northern bog sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex haydenii (Hayden's sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex hirsutella (hirsute sedge, fuzzy wuzzy sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex hirtifolia (pubescent sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex hitchcockiana (Hitchcock's sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex houghtoniana (Houghton's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex hyalinolepis (shore-line sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex hystericina (bottlebrush sedge), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex inops (sunloving sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex interior (inland sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex intumescens (greater bladder sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex jamesii (James' sedge, Nebraska sedge). CCC, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex x knieskernii (). PLANTS.
- Carex lacustris (hairy sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex laevivaginata (smooth-sheathed sedge), uncommon. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex lapponica (Lapland sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex lasiocarpa (woollyfruit sedge). LBJ.
- Carex lasiocarpa var. americana (American woollyfruit sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex lasiocarpa var. latifolia: see C. pellita.
- Carex laxiculmis (spreading sedge). Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex laxiflora (broad looseflower sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex laxiflora var. blanda: see C. blanda.
- Carex laxiflora var. latifolia: see C. albursina.
- Carex laxiflora var. laxiflora (loose-flowered sedge). Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex leavenworthii (Leavenworth's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex lenticularis (lakeshore sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex lenticularis var. lenticularis (lakeshore sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex leptalea (bristlystalked sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex leptalea ssp. leptalea (bristlystalked sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex leptonervia (nerveless woodland sedge). Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex limosa (mud sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex livida (livid sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex longii (Long's sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex lucorum (Blue Ridge sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex lupiliformis (false hop sedge). CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex lupulina (hop sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carix lurida (lurid sedge). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex magellanica (boreal bog sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex meadii (Mead's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex merritt-fernaldii (Fernald's sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex mesochorea (midland sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex michauxiana (Michaux's sedge). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex molesta (troublesome sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex muehlenbergii (Muehlenberg's sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex muskingumensis (Muskingum sedge). CC rare, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex nigromarginata (black-edged sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex nigromargniata var. elliptica: see C. peckii.
- Carex normalis (greater straw sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex novae-angliae (New England sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex oligocarpa (eastern few-fruited sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex oligosperma (fewseed sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex ormostachya (necklace spike sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex pallescens (pale sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex pauciflora (fewflower sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex peckii (Peck's sedge), rare. Banville (as C. nigromarginata var. elliptica, PLANTS.
- Carex pedunculata (longstalk sedge), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex pellita (woolly sedge), rare. Banville (as C. lasiocarpa var. latifolia), PLANTS.
- Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex plantaginea (plantain-leaf sedge), uncommon. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex platyphylla (broad-leaved sedge), uncommon. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex prairea (prairie sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex prasina (drooping sedge). Banville, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex projecta (necklace sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex pseudocyperus (cypress-like sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex radiata (eastern star sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex retroflexa (reflexed sedge). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex retrorsa (knotsheath sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Carex richardsonii (Richardson's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex rosea (rosy sedge), common. Banville (as C. convoluta), PLANTS.
- Carex rostrata (beaked sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carex sartwellii (Sartwell's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex scabrata (eastern rough sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex schweinitzii (Schweinitz's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex scirpoidea (northern singlespike sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex scoparia (broom sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex seorsa (weak stellate sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex shortiana (Short's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex siccata (dryspike sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex sparganioides (bur-reed sedge), rare. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex sprengelii (Sprengel's sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex squarrosa (squarrose sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex sterilis (dioecious sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex stipata (awl-fruited sedge), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Carex stricta (tussock sedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Carex suberecta (prairie straw sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex swanii (Swan's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex tenera (quill sedge), uncommon. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex tenuiflora (sparseflower sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex tetanica (rigid sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex tetanica var. woodii: see C. woodii.
- Carex tincta (tinged sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex tonsa (shaved sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex tonsa var. rugosperma (parachute sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex tonsa var. tonsa (shaved sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex torreyi (Torrey's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex torta (twisted sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex tribuloides (blunt broom sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex trichocarpa (hairy-fruited sedge), rare. Banville, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex trisperma (three-seeded sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex tuckermanii (Tuckerman's sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Carex typhina (cat-tail sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex umbellata (parasol sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carex urtriculata (Northwest Territory sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex vaginata (sheathed sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex vesicaria (blister sedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex virescens (ribbed sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex viridula (little green sedge), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Carex vulpinoidea (fox sedge), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS.
- Carex wiegandii (Wiegand's sedge). PLANTS.
- Carex willdenowii (Willdenow's sedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Carex woodii (pretty sedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Carpinus caroliniana (ironwood, American hornbeam), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carya cordiformis (bitternut hickory), uncommon. Banville, CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carya glabra (sweet pignut hickory). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carya lacinosa (big shellbark hickory). CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Carya ovata (shagbark hickory), uncommon. Banville, CCC, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: Chester, DG.
- Castanea dentata (American chestnut). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Castilleja coccinea (painted-cup). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Caulophyllum giganteum (giant blue cohosh). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Caulophyllum thalictroides (blue cohosh), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Ceanothus americanus (New Jersey tea). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Ceanothus herbaceus (redroot). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Celastrus scandens (American bittersweet). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Celtis tenuifolia (dwarf hackberry). CC SAR, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Cenchrus longispinus (long-spined sandbur), uncommon. Banville, PLANTS.
- Cephalanthus occidentalis (common buttonbush). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cerastium arvense (field chickweed). Banville, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cerastium arvense ssp. velutinum var. velutinum (long-hairy chickweed). CC rare (as Cerastium velutinum), PLANTS.
- Cerastium nutans (nodding chickweed). PLANTS.
- Cerastium velutinum: see C. arvense ssp. velutinum.
- Ceratophyllum demersum (coon's tail), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Ceratophyllum echinatum (spineless hornwort). PLANTS.
- Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud). CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chaerophyllum procumbens (spreading chervil). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbens (spreading chervil). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Chamaedaphne calyculata (leatherleaf). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chamaelirium luteum (devil's-bit). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chamaesyce glyptosperma (ribseed sandmat). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Chamaesyce nutans (eyebane). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Chamaesyce polygonifolia (seedside sandmat). PLANTS.
- Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (thymeleaf sandmat). PLANTS.
- Chamaesyce vermiculata (wormseed sandmat). PLANTS.
- Chamerion angustifolium (fireweed). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Chamerion angustifolium ssp. angustifolium (fireweed). NANPS (as Epilobium angustifolium), P&M (as E. angustifolium), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chamerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum (fireweed). PLANTS.
- Chelone glabra (white turtlehead). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Chenopodium berlandieri (pitseed goosefoot). PLANTS.
- Chenopodium capitatum (strawberry-blite), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chenopodium foggii (Fogg's goosefoot). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Chenopodium hybridum: see C. simplex.
- Chenopodium leptophyllum (narrow-leaved goosefoot). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chenopodium pratericola (desert goosefoot). PLANTS.
- Chenopodium rubrum (red goosefoot), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Chenopodium simplex (mapleleaf goosefoot), uncommon. Banville (as C. hybridum), P&M (as C. hybridum), PLANTS.
- Chenopodium standleyanum (Standley goosefoot). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Chimaphila maculata (spotted wintergreen). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chimaphila umbellata (pipissewa). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Chrysosplenium americanam (American golden saxifrage). PLANTS.
- Cicuta bulbifera (bulb-bearing water-hemlock). P&M, PLANTS.
- Cicuta maculata (water hemlock). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cinna arundinacea (sweet woodreed). PLANTS, PLANTS.
- Cinna latifolia (wood reed-grass), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Circaea alpina (smaller enchanter's nightshade). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Circaea x intermedia (). PLANTS.
- Circaea lutetiana (broadleaf enchanter's nightshade). Me (High Park), NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Circaea quadrisulcata ssp. canadensis (broadleaf enchanter's nightshade). P&M (as Circaea quadrisulcata), PLANTS.
- Cirsium discolor (field thistle). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Cirsium hillii (Hill's thistle). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cirsium muticum (swamp thistle). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cirsium pitcheri (Pitcher's thistle). CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cladium mariscoides (twigrush). NANPS, PLANTS.
- Claytonia caroliniana (Carolina spring beauty), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Claytonia virginica (Virginia spring beauty), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Clematis occidentalis (western blue virgin's bower). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis (purple clematis). LBJ, P&M (as Clematis verticillaris), PLANTS.
- Clematis verticillaris: see C. occidentalis var. occidentalis.
- Clematis virginiana (virgin's bower), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Clintonia borealis (corn lily, blue bead), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Collinsia parviflora (maiden blue-eyed Mary). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Collinsia verna (spring blue-eyed Mary). CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Collinsonia canadensis (horse-balm). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS.
- Collomia linearis (tiny trumpet). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Comandra umbellata (bastard-toadflax), uncommon. Banville, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Comarum palustre (purple marshlocks, marsh cinquefoil), rare. Banville (as Potentilla palustris), NANPS (as P. palustris), P&M (as P. palustris), PLANTS.
- Comptonia peregrina (sweet fern), uncommon. Banville (as Myrica aspleniifolia), LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Conioselinum chinense (hemlock parsley). CC rare, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Conoclinium coelestinum (blue mistflower). CCC, CC rare (as Eupatorium coelestinum), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Conopholis americana (American cancer-root). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Conyza canadensis (Canadian horseweed). Me (East York), LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Conyza canadensis var. canadensis (Canadian horseweed). LBJ, P&M (as Erigeron canadensis), PLANTS.
- Coptis trifolia (three-leaf goldenthread), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Corallorhiza maculata (spotted coralroot). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Corallorhiza odontorhiza (autumn coralroot). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Corallorhiza striata (striped coralroot). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Corallorhiza trifida (northern coralroot). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Coreopsis lanceolata (lanceleaf coreopsis). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Coreopsis tinctoria (calliopsis). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Coreopsis tinctoria var. tinctoria (calliopsis). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Coreopsis tripteris (tall coreopsis). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus alternifolia (alternate-leaf dogwood). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus amomum ssp. obliqua: see C. obliqua.
- Cornus canadensis (bunchberry). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus drummondii (rough-leaf dogwood). CCC, CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus florida (flowering dogwood). CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus foemina (stiff dogwood). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus obliqua (silky dogwood). LBJ, NANPS (as Cornus amomum ssp. obliqua), PLANTS.
- Cornus racemosa (grey dogwood). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus rugosa (roundleaf dogwood). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cornus sericea ssp. sericea (red-osier dogwood). NANPS (as Cornus stolonifera), PLANTS.
- Cornus stolonifera: see C. sericea ssp. sericea.
- Corydalis aurea (golden corydalis). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Corydalis flavula (yellow corydalis). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Corydalis sempervirens (pale corydalis). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Corylus americana (American hazelnut), uncommon. Banville, CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Corylus cornuta (beaked hazelnut), uncommon. Banville, CCC, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: Chester, DG.
- Crataegus beata (Dunbar's hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus brainerdii (Brainerd's hawthorn). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus calpodendron (pear hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus chrysocarpa (fireberry hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus compta (adorned hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus conspecta: see C. dilatata.
- Crataegus corusca (shiningbranch hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus crus-galli (cockspur hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Crataegus dilatata (broadleaf hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus disperma (spreading hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus dissona (northern hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus dodgei (Dodge's hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus dodgei var. dodgei (Dodge's hawthorn). CC rare.
- Crataegus dodgei var. flavida (hawthorn). CC rare.
- Crataegus douglasii (black hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Crataegus flabellata (fanleaf hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus fulleriana (Fuller's hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus grandis (grand hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus holmesiana (Holmes's hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus intricata (Copenhagen hawthorn). CC rare (as C. foetida), PLANTS.
- Crataegus iracunda (stolonbearing hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus irrasa (Blanchard's hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus jonesiae (Miss Jones' hawthorn). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Crataegus lumaria (roundleaf hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus macrosperma (bigfruit hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus margarettiae (Margarett's hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus mollis (downy hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Crataegus nitidula (glossy hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus pedicellata (scarlet hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus perjucunda (Middlesex frosted hawthorn, pearthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus persimilis (plumleaf hawthorn). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Crataegus pringlei (Pringle's hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus pruinosa (waxyfruit hawthorn). CC rare (as C. formosa), PLANTS.
- Crataegus punctata (dotted hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus scabrida (rough hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus schuettei (Schuette's hawthorn). PLANTS.
- Crataegus submollis (Québec hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus suborbiculata (Caughuawaga hawthorn). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Crataegus succulenta (fleshy hawthorn). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cryptogramma stelleri (fragile rockbrake). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Cryptotaenia canadensis (Canadian honewort). P&M, PLANTS.
- Cuscuta cephalanthi (button-bush dodder). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cuscuta coryli (hazel dodder). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cuscuta gronovii (scaldweed, dodder). P&M, PLANTS.
- Cuscuta pentagona (fiveangle dodder). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cuscuta pentagona var. pentagona (fiveangle dodder). CC rare (as C. campestris), PLANTS.
- Cuscuta polygonorum (smartweed dodder). CC rare, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cycloloma atriplicifolium (winged pigweed). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Cyperus bipartitus (slender flatsedge), rare. Banville (as C. rivularis), PLANTS.
- Cyperus dentatus (toothed flatsedge). PLANTS.
- Cyperus diandrus (umbrella flatsedge). PLANTS.
- Cyperus engelmanni: see C. odoratus.
- Cyperus erythrorhizos (red-root flatsedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Cyperus filiculmis: see C. lupulinus ssp. lupulinus.
- Cyperus flavescens (yellow cyperus). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cyperus houghtonii (Houghton's umbrella-sedge, Houghton's flatsedge). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cyperus lupulinus (Great Plains flatsedge). PLANTS.
- Cyperus lupulinus ssp. lupulinus (Great Plains flatsedge), rare. Banville (as C. filiculmis), PLANTS.
- Cyperus lupulinus ssp. macilentus (great plains flatsedge). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Cyperus odoratus (fragrant flatsedge), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Cyperus rivularis: see Cyperus bipartitus.
- Cyperus schweinitzii (Schweinitz's flatsedge), rare. Banville, CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Cyperus squarrosus (awned cyperus). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cyperus strigosus (strawcoloured flatsedge), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Cypripedium acaule (pink lady's-slipper). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cypripedium x andrewsii (Andrew's cypripedium). PLANTS.
- Cypripedium arietinum (ram's head lady's-slipper). CC rare, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cypripedium calceolus var. parviflorum: see C. parviflorum var. parviflorum.
- Cypripedium candidum (small white lady's-slipper). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cypripedium parviflorum (lesser yellow lady's slipper). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum (small yellow lady's slipper), rare. Banville (as C. calceolus var. parivlorum, PLANTS.
- Cypripedium reginae (showy lady's-slipper). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cystopteris bulbifera (bulblet bladder fern), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cystopteris fragilis (brittle bladder fern), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Cystopteris protusa (lowland brittle fern). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Cystopteris tenuis (upland brittle bladder fern). LBJ, PLANTS.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Me: I've seen it myself, in the wild in Toronto.
- Banville: Banville, Diana. Vascular Plants of Metropolitan Toronto 2nd ed. Toronto: Toronto Field Naturalists, 1994. (Available by mail order from TFN.)
- CCC: Carolinian Canada Coalition's list of Representative Carolinian Species.
- CC rare: Carolinian Canada Coalitions's list of Carolinian Zone Rare Species
- CC SAR: Carolinian Canada Coalition's list Carolinian Species at Risk
- LBJ: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
- NANPS: North American Native Plant Society
- P&M: Peterson, Roger Tory and Margaret McKenny. A field guide to wildflowers: Northeastern and northcentral North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968.
- PLANTS: United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database
- PtS: Planting the Seed (PDF): A Guide to Establishing Prairie and Meadow Communities in Southern Ontario
- Chester: Bronwyn Chester, at Spacing Montréal
- DG: Dave's Garden
- Leckie: The Marvelous in Nature blog by Seabrooke Leckie
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