![[Photo: Physostegia virginiana.]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2U_Oo2sgW_K_nBxg1q7FwXOZ0cHeZokwJHGNYBPv_aVtFoqrOsvhyqdxyw_hQ3cbSVKNXMhu00vHbE6cPeOAkBKrNYi9YpDrpCR-1Gbxw5lus24Lz0TsqTAgwaRZ_KhWFVodwCPKTedY/s400/Physostegia.jpg)
Above: Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant).
(Updated November 29, 2009).
It's exciting to see how many possibilities for native plant garderners there are in Toronto (something you'd never guess from the average Toronto plant seller, unfortunately.) I've put a link to the relevant entries in this blog where available. I have tried to be as accurate as possible but I'm no expert so any corrections to this list would be appreciated!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Packera aurea (golden ragwort). LBJ, P&M (as Senecio aureus), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Packera obovata (golden groundsel, roundleaf ragwort). LBJ, P&M (as Senecio obovatus), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Packera paupercula (balsam groundsel). LBJ, NANPS, P&M (as Senecio pauperculus), PLANTS.
- Packera plattensis (prairie ragwort). CC rare, LBJ, P&M (as Senecio plattensis), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Palustriella commutata (curled hook-moss). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Panax quinquefolius (American ginseng). CCC, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Panax trifolius (dwarf ginseng). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Panicum capillare (witchgrass), common. Banville, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Panicum clandestinum: see Dichanthelium clandestinum.
- Panicum columbianum var. commonsianum see: Dichanthelium ovale var. addisonii.
- Panicum dichotomiflorum (fall panic grass), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Panicum dichotomum: see Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum.
- Panicum flexile (wiry panicgrass), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Panicum gattingeri (witchgrass, Gattinger's panicgrass). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Panicum lanuginosum var. implicatum: see Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum.
- Panicum latifolium see Dichanthelium latifolium.
- Panicum leibergii var. leibergii: see Dichanthelium leibergii.
- Panicum linearifolium: see Dichanthelium linearifolium.
- Panicum meridionale: see Dichanthelium meridionale.
- Panicum perlongum: see Dichanthelium linearifolium.
- Panicum philadelphicum (Philadelphia panicgrass), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Panicum rigidulum (redtop panic grass). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Panicum sphaerocarpon var. sphaerocarpon: see Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon var. sphaerocarpon.
- Panicum subvillosum: see Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum.
- Panicum villosissimum: see Dichanthelium villosissimum var. villosissimum.
- Panicum virgatum (switchgrass), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Parietaria pensylvanica (Pennsylvania pellitory). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Paronychia canadensis (smooth forked nail-wort). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Paronychia fastigiata (hairy forked chickweed). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper). Me (East York), LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Parthenocissus vitacea (Heidra creeper). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Paspalum setaceum (thin paspalum). CCC, CC rare, PLANTS.
- Pedicularis canadensis (wood-betony, Canadian lousewort). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pedicularis lanceolata (swamp lousewort). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pellaea atropurpurea (purple-stemmed cliffbrake). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pellaea glabella (smooth cliffbrake). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Peltandra virginica (arrow arum). CCC, CC rare, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtongue, talus slope beardtongue). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Penstemon grandiflorus (large-flowered beardtongue). NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Penstemon hirsutus (hairy beardtongue). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Penthorum sedoides (ditch stonecrop), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Petasites frigidus (arctic sweet coltsfoot). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Petasites frigidus var. palmatus (arctic sweet coltsfoot). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phacelia purshii (Miami mist). CC rare, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phegopteris connectilis (long beech fern). Banville (as Thelypteris phegopteris), LBJ, PLANTS.
- Phegopteris hexagonoptera (broad beech fern). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phlox divaricata (wild blue phlox). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phlox pilosa (downy phlox). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phlox subulata (moss phlox). CC rare, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phryma leptostachya (American lopseed). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phyla lanceolata (lanceleaf fogfruit). CC rare, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Physalis heterophylla (clammy groundcherry). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Physalis longifolia (longleaf groundcherry). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Physalis longifolia var. subglabrata (longleaf groundcherry, smooth groundcherry). P&M (as P. subglabrata), PLANTS.
- Physalis subglabrata: see P. longifolia var. subglabrata.
- Physalis virginiana (Virginia ground-cherry). NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Physcomitrella patens (physcomitrella moss). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Physocarpus opulifolius (Atlantic ninebark, common ninebark), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Phytolacca americana (pokeweed). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Picea mariana (black spruce). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Picea rubens (red spruce). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pilea fontana (lesser clearweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Pilea pumila (Canadian clearweed), uncommon. Banville, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pinguicula vulgaris (common butterwort). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pinus resinosa (Norway pine, red pine), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pinus rigida (pitch pine). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pinus strobus (eastern white pine), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: Chester, DG, Leckie.
- Piptatherum canadense (Canadian ricegrass). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Piptatherum pungens (mountain ricegrass). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Piptatherum racemosum (black-seed ricegrass), rare. Banville (as Oryzopsis racemosa), PLANTS.
- Piptochaetium avenaceum (black oat-grass, blackseed speargrass). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Plantago cordata (heart-leaved plantain). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Platanthera x andrewsii (Andrews' rose-purple orchid). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera aquilonis (northern green orchid), rare. Banville (as Habenaria hyperborea), LBJ, P&M (as H. hyperborea), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera blephariglottis var. blephariglottis (white fringed orchid). P&M (as Habenaria blephariglottis), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera ciliaris (yellow-fringed orchid). CC rare, P&M (as Habenaria ciliaris), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera clavellata (small green wood orchid). P&M (as Habenaria clavellata), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera dilatata var. dilatata (leafy white orchis, scentbottle). P&M (as Habenaria dilatata), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera flava (pale green orchid). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera grandiflora (greater purple fringed orchid). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera hookeri (Hooker's orchid). P&M (as Habenaria dilatata), PLANTS.
- Platanthera huronensis (Huron green orchid). PLANTS.
- Platanthera lacera (green fringed orchid, ragged fringed orchis), rare. Banville (as Habenaria lacera), P&M (as H. lacera), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera leucophaea (prairie fringed white orchid). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M (as Habenaria leucophaea), PLANTS.
- Platanthera macrophylla (Goldie's round-leaved orchid, greater roundleaf orchid). CC rare, LBJ, P&M (as Habenaria macrophylla), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera x media (bog orchid). PLANTS.
- Platanthera obtusata ssp. obtusata (bluntleaved orchid). P&M (as Habenaria obtusa), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera orbiculata (lesser roundleaved orchid). P&M (as Habenaria orbiculata), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanthera psycodes (lesser purple fringed orchid). P&M (as Habenaria psycodes), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Platanus occidentalis (sycamore), uncommon. Banville, CCC, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Poa glauca (glaucous bluegrass). PLANTS.
- Poa nemoralis (wood bluegrass). PLANTS.
- Poa palustris (fowl meadow grass, fowl bluegrass), uncommon. Banville, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Poa saltuensis (old pasture bluegrass). PLANTS.
- Poa sylvestris (woodland bluegrass). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Podophyllum peltatum (May-apple), common. Me (Wilket Creek Park), Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Podostemum ceratophyllum (hornleaf riverweed). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Pogonia ophioglossoides (rose pogonia, snakemouth orchid). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polanisia dodecandra (redwhisker clammyweed). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polemonium reptans (Greek valerian). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygala cruciata (crossleaf milkwort, drumheads). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Polygala incarnata (pink milkwort, procession flower). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygala paucifolia (fringed polygala, gaywings). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygala polygama (racemed milkwort). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygala senega (Seneca snakeroot). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Polygonatum biflorum (smooth Solomon's seal), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum (smooth Solomon's seal, great Solomon's seal). LBJ, NANPS, P&M (as P. canaliculatum), PLANTS.
- Polygonatum canaliculatum: see P. biflorum var. commutatum.
- Polygonatum commutatum: see P. biflorum var. comutatum.
- Polygonatum pubescens (hairy Solomon's seal), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygonum achoreum (leathery knotweed), common. Banville, PLANTS.
- Polygonum amphibium (water smartweed, water knotweed). NANPS, P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygonum amphibium var. emersum (swamp smartweed, longroot smartweed), rare. Banville (as P. coccineum), P&M (as P. coccineum), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygonum amphibium var. stipulaceum (water smartweed), rare. Banville (as P. natans), LBJ, PLANTS.
- Polygonum arifolium (halberd-leaved tear-thumb). CC rare, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygonum bellardii (narrowleaf knotweed). PLANTS.
- Polygonum buxiforme (box knotweed). PLANTS.
- Polygonum careyi (Carey's smartweed). PLANTS.
- Polygonum cilinode (fringed black bindweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Polygonum coccineum: see P. amphibium var. emersum.
- Polygonum douglasii (Douglas' knotweed). PLANTS.
- Polygonum erectum (erect knotweed). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygonum hydropiperoides (swamp smartweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Polygonum lapathifolium (pale smartweed), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygonum natans: see P. amphibium var. stipulaceum.
- Polygonum pensylvanicum (Pennsylvania smartweed), rare. Banville, P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygonum punctatum (dotted smartweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polygonum ramosissimum (bushy knotweed). PLANTS.
- Polygonum robustius (stout smartweed). PLANTS.
- Polygonum sagittatum (arrow-leaved tearthumb). P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygonum scandens (climbing false buckwheat), rare. Banville, P&M, PLANTS.
- Polygonum tenue (slender knotweed, pleatleaf knotweed). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Polygonum virginianum (jumpseed). NANPS, P&M (as Tovara virginica), PLANTS.
- Polygonum viviparum (alpine smartweed, alpine blistort). P&M, PLANTS.
- Polymnia canadensis (small-flowered leafcup, whiteflower leafcup). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polypodium appalachianum (Appalachia polypody). PLANTS.
- Polypodium virginianum (rock polypody), rare. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Polypodium vulgare var. virginianum: see P. virginianum.
- Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polystichum braunii (Braun's hollyfern). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Polystichum x hagenahii (Hagenah's polystichum). PLANTS.
- Polystichum lonchitis (northern hollyfern). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pontederia cordata (pickerelweed). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Populus balsamifera (balsam poplar), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera (balsam poplar). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Populus x canadensis (Carolina poplar). PLANTS.
- Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides (eastern cottonwood). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Populus grandidentata (big-tooth aspen), uncommon. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Populus heterophylla (black cottonwood). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Populus x jackii (Jack's poplar), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Populus x smithii (Smith's poplar). PLANTS.
- Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Porteranthus trifoliatus: see Gillenia trifoliatus.
- Potamogeton alpinus (alpine pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton amplifolius (largeleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton bicupulatus (snailseed pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton confervoides (Tuckerman's pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton epihydrus (ribbonleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton foliosus (leafy pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton friesii (Fries' pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton gramineus (variable-leaf pondweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Potamogeton hillii (Hill's pondweed). CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Potamogeton illinoensis (Illinois pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton natans (floating pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton x nitens (pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton nodosus (longleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton oakesianus (Oakes' pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton obtusifolius (bluntleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton ogdenii (Ogden's pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton pectinatus: see Stuckenia pectinata.
- Potamogeton perfoliatus (claspingleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton praelongus (whitestem pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton pulcher (spotted pondweed). CC rare, PLANTS.
- Potamogeton pusillus (small pondweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Potamogeton richardsonii (Richardson's pondweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Potamogeton robbinsii (Robbins' pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton x spathuliformis (pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton spirillus (spiral pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton strictifolius (narrowleaf pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton vaseyi (Vasey's pondweed). PLANTS.
- Potamogeton zosteriformis (flatstem pondweed), rare. Banville, PLANTS.
- Potentilla anserina: see Argentina anserina.
- Potentilla arguta (tall cinquefoil), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Potentilla canadensis (dwarf cinquefoil), rare. Banville, LBJ, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Potentilla fructiosa: see Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda.
- Potentilla norvegica (rough cinquefoil), uncommon. Banville, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Potentilla palustris: see Comarum palustre.
- Potentilla paradoxa (bushy cinquefoil, paradox cinquefoil), uncommon. Banville, CC rare, P&M, PLANTS.
- Potentilla rivalis (brook cinquefoil). PLANTS.
- Potentilla simplex (common cinquefoil), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Potentilla tridentata: see Sibbaldiopsis tridentata.
- Prenanthes alba (white lettuce, white rattlesnakeroot). LBJ, PLANTS, PtS.
- Prenanthes altissima (tall white lettuce, tall rattlesnakeroot). LBJ, P&M, PLANTS.
- Prenanthes trifoliolata (gall of the earth). PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Primula mistassinica (bird's-eye primrose, Mistassini primrose). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Prosartes lanuginosa (yellow fairybells, yellow Mandarin). CCC (as Disporum lanuginosum), CC rare (as D. lanuginosum), LBJ, P&M (as D. lanuginosum), PLANTS.
- Prunella vulgaris (common selfheal). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Prunus americana (American plum), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Prunus nigra (Canadian plum). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Prunus pensylvanica (pin cherry), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Prunus pensylvanica var. pensylvanica (pin cherry). LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Prunus pumila (sand cherry), rare. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS.
- Prunus serotina (black cherry), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: Chester (in French), DG.
- Prunus sesquehanae (Sesquehana sandcherry). NANPS, PLANTS.
- Prunus virginiana (chokecherry), common. Banville, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Prunus virginiana var. virginiana (chokecherry). LBJ, PLANTS.
- Pseudognaphalium macounii. (Macoun's cudweed, clammy everlasting). P&M (as Gnaphalium macounii), PLANTS.
- Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (rabbit tobacco). PLANTS.
- Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium ssp. obtusifolium (rabbit-tobacco, sweet everlasting). P&M (as Gnaphalium obtusifolium), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Ptelea trifoliata (hoptree). CCC, CC SAR, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pteridium aquilinum (western bracken fern). LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (western bracken fern), common. Banville, LBJ, PLANTS.
- Pterospora andromeda (giant bird's-nest, giant pinedrops). CC rare, P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Puccinellia nuttalliana (Nuttall's alkali grass). PLANTS.
- Pycnanthemum incanum (hoary mountain-mint). CC SAR, LBJ, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pycnanthemum pilosum: see P. verticillatum var pilosum.
- Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (slender mountain-mint). CC rare, LBJ, NANPS, PLANTS, PtS. More info: DG.
- Pycnanthemum verticillatum (Torrey's mountain-mint, whorled mountain-mint). P&M, PLANTS.
- Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum (hairy mountain-mint). CC rare, NANPS (as P. pilosum), P&M (as P. pilosum), PLANTS.
- Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. verticillatum (whorled mountain-mint). PLANTS.
- Pycnanthemum virginianum (Virginia mountain-mint). LBJ, NANPS, P&M, PLANTS, PtS.
- Pyrola americana (American wintergreen). P&M (as P. rotundifolia), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pyrola asarifolia (pink pyrola). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pyrola chlorantha (green-flowered wintergreen). P&M (as P. virens), PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pyrola elliptica (waxflower shinleaf). P&M, PLANTS. More info: DG.
- Pyrola minor (lesser pyrola, snowline wintergreen). P&M, PLANTS.
- Pyrola rotundifolia: see P. americana.
- Pyrola secunda: see Orthilia secunda.
- Pyrola virens: see P. chlorantha.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Me: I've seen it myself, in the wild in Toronto.
- Banville: Banville, Diana. Vascular Plants of Metropolitan Toronto 2nd ed. Toronto: Toronto Field Naturalists, 1994. (Available by mail order from TFN.)
- CCC: Carolinian Canada Coalition's list of Representative Carolinian Species.
- CC rare: Carolinian Canada Coalitions's list of Carolinian Zone Rare Species
- CC SAR: Carolinian Canada Coalition's list Carolinian Species at Risk
- LBJ: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
- NANPS: North American Native Plant Society
- P&M: Peterson, Roger Tory and Margaret McKenny. A field guide to wildflowers: Northeastern and northcentral North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968.
- PLANTS: United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database
- PtS: Planting the Seed (PDF): A Guide to Establishing Prairie and Meadow Communities in Southern Ontario
- Chester: Bronwyn Chester at Spacing Montréal
- DG: Dave's Garden
- Leckie: The Marvelous in Nature blog by Seabrooke Leckie
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