Spring is just getting started here in Toronto. There are a whopping two species in bloom in our garden (which is two more than most of the other gardens around here...)
The snow crocus (crocus du printemps, Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Pearl') were the first to bloom. They're staying closed today because it's cloudy and cool, but they were wide open on a sunny day last week. This is my first year growing snow crocuses and I am very pleased with them.
My first snowdrop (perce neige, Galanthus nivalis) bloomed today. I planted a good sized clump of them, but so far only this one lonely plant is blooming. But I can see tips of a few neighbours so hopefully the full clump will appear. I'm disappointed that the snowdrops have been so slow in our garden; I guess they don't like this location? Other snowdrops in neighbourhood gardens were out in full force a week ago.
Check out what's blooming in gardens around the world for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day March 2010. Thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for organizing this event!
Congrats on spring bloom arriving in Toronto! it's so exciting when the first crocus pops up..and the snowdrop is a great little beauty. gail
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love that first crocus, first snowdrop time of year? They are a down payment on spring and reassurance that it is, in fact, on its way.
ReplyDeleteThe first Snow Drops are such and exciting & welcome sight!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment on my blog. Your crocus look great! I've never heard them called snow crocus before, is it a special variety or another name?
ReplyDeleteSo has this been a warm spring for you? So many snowdrop photos I see have them poking out of a little snowbank, while you have real soil showing. But snowdrops are such exotic things to me, since I think we're too warm for them. Two species down, many dozens more to come. Enjoy your unfurling spring!
ReplyDeletedozenoaks: the snow crocuses are C. crysanthus, and are so called because they bloom very early. There are many other crocus species in cultivation as well.
ReplyDeletelostlandscape: Alas, in Toronto we had very little snow all winter, Environment Canada called it a "snow drought". Apparently the snow we'd normally get ended up in northeastern US instead.