We have a few small red maple saplings volunteering in the yard.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Acer rubrum: small sapling with new foliage
Ambrosia artemisiifolia: foliage
Last year when these pretty leaves started emerging in the spring, I was sure they were something "good". Imagine my disappointment when I realised they were in fact ragweed. Ragweed's flowers are tiny and green; they don't need to be showy to attract insects because they are wind-pollinated. I don't know if I'm allergic to ragweed myself (I'm stuffed up all year round due to my fibromyalgia), but a friend down the street suffered from ragweed allergies, and ragweed pollen can travel hundreds of miles on the wind.
Even though ragweed is a native plant, I think those of us in populated areas should pull it out of consideration for all the people sickened by ragweed pollen. The Ontario government has designated ragweed as a noxious weed.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Viola x wittrockiana 'Delta Pure Rose' flowers
Echinacea purpurea seedlings chomped by cats!
By way of contrast, here is the happy healthy old echinacea plant that's been growing outside for a few years. Although one of the cats has been sneaking outside a bit to enjoy the sun, he hasn't tried chomping this plant.
Solenostemon scutellaroides 'Wizard Mix': foliage
Dianthus chinensis 'Double Gaiety Mix': foliage
Reseda odorata 'Mignon Finest Mixed' foliage turning orange?!
Tagetes tenuifolia 'Lulu': foliage
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tussilago farfara: flowers
The Invasive Exotic Species Ranking for Southern Ontario rates coltsfoot as Category 4 ("Exotic species that do not pose a serious threat to natural areas unless they are competing directly with more desirable vegetation.")
Coltsfoot has traditionally been used medicinally, but is toxic in large doses. Also, European Journal of Pediatrics reported a case of an infant who developed hepatic veno-occlusive disease after regular consumption of what his parents thought was coltsfoot, but was actually Adenostyles alliariae, which shows the importance of being cautious about gathering and self-treating with wild plants.
I photographed these plants at the University of Toronto downtown campus on St. George north of College.
Friday, April 24, 2009
High Park VSP Plant Sale coming May 3
Viola flowers
Viola 'Sorbet Lemon Chiffon' is from the extensive 'Sorbet' series of violas.
I couldn't find the name of this bright purple cultivar.
All violas in this post were photographed at Mimi's Convenience, 1686 Danforth.
Viola x wittrockiana: flowers
This is not the best picture, but it does show what a pretty blue 'Matrix Ocean' is. I am regretting not starting some pansy seeds myself.
'Matrix Morpheus' has pretty blue and yellow flowers with whiskers rather than a blotch. There are many other colourways in the 'Matrix' series; you can see many more 'Matrix' varieties at Stokes.
This pansy is 'Delta Premium White Blotch'. I think this is the cultivar Nicky chose last year. (Since Nicky generally hates anything to do with plants and gardening, when he actually likes a plant I usually get it.)
Here's another so-called "red" pansy, 'Delta Premium Red Blotch'. I love truly red flowers like Monarda didyma and Aquilegia canadensis, so I'm always a bit annoyed when nurseries call merely reddish flowers "red". To me this is more of an oxblood colour.
This beauty, 'Delta Premium Neon Violet' is really tempting me. I love the neon glow around the blotch, which you can really see on the flower in the back.
I love the way that the purple blotch on 'Delta Premium Beaconsfield' softly blurs into the white, as though painted in watercolours. There are many other colourways in the 'Delta' series; I especially love this unusual pink and purple pansy from the 'Delta Pink Shades' mix.
All the flowers in this post were photographed at Mimi's Convenience, 1686 Danforth.
Vinca minor: flowers
Here's what Vinca minor looks like in bloom. Very pretty. Too bad it's invasive. The City of Toronto advises residents to not plant Vinca minor.
Tulipa turkestanica: flowers
This pretty clump is blooming in a talented neighbour's garden.
Matthiola incana 'Vintage' series
A whole slew of bedding plants, including these 'Vintage' series stocks, have arrived at the corner store (Mimi's Convenience, 1686 Danforth), and are testing my resolve to grow everything from seed this year wherever possible.
I knew I should have ordered some seeds for stocks when I was placing my order with Stokes. (I did pick up some seeds for night-scented stocks, Matthiola longipetala, at Canadian Tire, but I haven't started them yet, and I don't know if they'll smell the same.)
The 'Vintage' series of stocks comes in a wide range of colours, including not only the 'Vintage Yellow', 'Vintage Peach', 'Vintage Lavender', and 'Vintage Copper' in this post, but also 'Vintage Red', 'Vintage Burgundy', and 'Vintage White', and has a height of about 25 cm. I think the "copper" is particularly interesting.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pinus strobus
The cones of eastern white pine are 10-20 cm long. According to nearctica.com, Pinus strobus is "the only eastern pine with long, stalked cones with pliable cone scales".
Eastern white pine is the only eastern pine with needles in clusters of five. (I found these needles on the ground; the tree was not harmed for this photo!)
This beautiful native tree is too large for most Torontonians' gardens, alas, which just shows the importance of protecting large wilderness areas to preserve the plants and animals that depend on them.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Geum triflorum: flowers
Hyacinthus orientalis in bloom
Well, most of the budding hyacinths I posted a few weeks ago were trampled, alas. This is the least mangled of the plants.
Eranthis hyemalis: unripe seed pods
Here are the developing seedpods. To me, this plant is beautiful at every stage of development.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Garden bloggers' Bloom Day April 2009
Although I'm supposedly in the same zone as Carol, spring is coming more slowly here in Toronto though unlike last month, I do have a few blooms to post today.
The Siberian squill (Scilla siberica), which the landlords' kids and I rescued from a garden down the street last year, are in their glory now.
Unfortunately, I found out long after the kids and I rescued them that Siberian squill is an invasive species in southern Ontario according to Invasive Exotic Species Ranking for Southern Ontario. I need to learn more about how the things spread; hopefully I can control them, since the landlords' eldest will be very unhappy if I rip out his squill.
Only one of my reticulated irises (Iris reticulata 'Cantab') is still in bloom. This picture came out badly but I didn't have time to take another because I had to catch a train—I'm posting this from my mom's apartment in eastern Ontario. Fortunately I got a prettier picture a couple of weeks ago.
This early stardrift, still in bud, (Puschkinia libanotica) is another rescue from the garden down the street. (Here's a photo of the gorgeous masses of early stardrift in that garden before the new owner attempted to replace it with sod. I say "attempted" because a number of puschkinia have popped up through the lawn this year despite his efforts.)
All of the flowers out today are blue, but we did have some bright yellow winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis, see photo) which bloomed at the end of March, managing to avoid both the March and April Bloom Days. There are also hyacinths and tulips in bud, and lots of growth on the daffodills, columbines, and beebalm. Lots to look forward to!
I couldn't resist including the Easter decorations the landlords' kids put up, which add lots of gay colour even though they aren't technically blooms. I think that decorating Easter trees is a Czech tradition.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Solenostemon scutellaroides 'Wizard Mix': seedlings
Echinacea purpurea: seedlings
Iris danfordiae: bloom
Friday, April 10, 2009
Intriguing mystery bulb
Dicentra spectabilis: emerging foliage
I just discovered this lovely bleeding heart foliage emerging this week—it was hidden under some windblown trash which is all too prevalent in this neighbourhood for some reason (drives me nuts). I just bought this plant last spring; it's good to see that it survived the winter.