Native plants
Waldsteinia fragaroides (barren strawberry, waldsteinie faux-fraisier). I have fond memories of this plant from my childhood surrounded by the forest in eastern Ontario. Barren strawberries formed big patches a few metres across, even in heavy shade as I recall. Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells, mertensie de Virginie). This is the first year we've had Virginia bluebells in our garden. I'd read about the buds turning from pink to blue as they open, but this is the first time I've seen it. I love the colours!Other plants
Chionodoxa forbesii (glory of the snow, gloire des neiges) Hyacinthus orientalis (hyacinth, jacinthe) Lamprocapnos spectabilis (bleeding heart, coeur-saignant) (apparently the scientific name has been changed). Tulipa tarda (tarda tulip, tulipe tarda) Tulipa (tulip, tulipe). I don't know where this tulip and the one below came from—gifts from the squirrels, perhaps?Check out what's blooming in gardens around the world, and link to your own blog, for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Thanks to Carol from May Dreams Gardens for hosting!